Prototypes (greek: "antetype") refer to samples for the initial functional testing of circuit boards.
These PCBs are often needed within a shorter time period, since further developement of the prototypes many otherwise take a long time and delay the following serial production. Similar to large volume production, prototypes can be produced in a wide range of varitations.
However, it should be noted that additional costs may be encountered for special production such as different-coloured materials, vanishes or different surfaces. These may not be necessary for the actual functionalality test of the prototypes and can be partially rationalized.
As a specialist for express circuit boards LeitOn offers you production of PCB prototyes starting at 2 hours!
The following prototype services are available:
- 1-layer prototype starting at 4 hours
- 2-layer prototype starting at 6 hours
- 4-layer prototype starting at 12 hours
- 6-layer prototype starting at 12 hours
- 8-layer prototype starting at 12 hours
- 10-layer prototype starting at 20 hours
- 12-layer prototype starting at 20 hours
- 14-layer prototype starting at 20 hours
Please note that these are the fastest possible times and require perfect layout files and do not allow any additional options.